Multiplayer hearts card game
Multiplayer hearts card game

#region Hearts2 Cards Are Added To HeartsSeries List #endregion Hearts Cards Are Added To HeartsSeries List #region Hearts Cards Are Added To HeartsSeries List Hearts Cards Are Added To HeartsSeries List #endregion Diamonds2 Cards Are Added To DiamondsSeries List #region Diamonds2 Cards Are Added To DiamondsSeries ListĭiamondsSeries2.Add(thirteenOfDiamonds2) #endregion Diamonds Cards Are Added To DiamondsSeries List #region Diamonds Cards Are Added To DiamondsSeries List Diamonds Cards Are Added To DiamondsSeries List #endregion Clubs2 Cards Are Added To ClubsSeries List #region Clubs2 Cards Are Added To ClubsSeries List #endregion Clubs Cards Are Added To ClubsSeries List #region Clubs Cards Are Added To ClubsSeries List Clubs Cards Are Added To ClubsSeries List #endregion Joker2 Cards Are Added To Joker List #region Joker2 Cards Are Added To Joker List #endregion Joker Cards Are Added To Joker List #region Joker Cards Are Added To Joker List OkeyPlace = GameObject.Find("OkeyPlace")

multiplayer hearts card game

GameBoard = GameObject.Find("GameBoard") PlayerArea = GameObject.Find("PlayerArea") Public class PlayerManager : NetworkBehaviour PlayerManager = netWorkIdentity.GetComponent() Īnd Here Below PlayerManager Class using System.Collections Public class DealCards : NetworkBehaviour So any suggestions to make it right or any other way to make what i mentioned?ĭeal Card Class (Attached to button) using System.Collections I tried a few ways to remove this error, i removed but still other players can't get their cards (Button clicks but doesn't do anything.) "Trying to send command for object without authority. So in below code, when host player clicks 14 cards are taken from deck and instantiated as per their infos and card Images and set parent to right place but when other players click i get this error When 4 players connected, Each player should get 14 cards to their hands and game starts. Button should take 14 cards from deck and instantiate it according to its info and card Images. Basically, when server starts in generates cards and add them to deck (List(Card)).

multiplayer hearts card game multiplayer hearts card game

Idea is there is a "Deal Card" button, when a player clicks on it 14 cards should be dealt to his/her hand.(I am open to suggestions about dealing cards to each player's hand with one click only). I am trying to built a multiplayer card game with max 4 players and I am very new to Multiplayer Games.

Multiplayer hearts card game